- Programming, Software development
- 123 (Registered)
This course covers various advanced topics that will be of interest to the experienced Angular developers.
Course Outline
Angular Universal
- What is Angular Universal?
- When to use Angular Universal?
- Generating static site
- Rendering HTML in the server
- Use with Java backend
- Use with ASP.NET backend
Advanced RxJS
- Publish/subscribe using the Subject API
- forkJoin
- switchMap
- tap
- debounce
- reduce
- first, last, skipUnitl, takeUntil
- retry on HTTP error
- Create custom operators
Custom Directive Development
- Custom attribute directive
- Custom structural directive
Custom Validator Development
- Basic validator function
- Validator directive
- Async validator
Distributing Angular Modules
- Controlling visibility of components and services in a module
- Packaging a module as an NPM package
- Installing an NPM package from local file system or GitHub
- Using the distributed Angular module
Angular Application Security
- Preventing cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Content security policy (CSP)
- Trusting safe HTML
- Prevent Cross-site request forgery
- Prevent Cross-site script inclusion (XSSI)
Internationalization (I18N)
- Setting the default locale
- Using locale with Pipes
- Translating component templates
- Build an application with translated text
Course Content
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